
How Maven Documents helps with Salesforce adoption

One of the frustrations you might face in your “so far successful” implementation of Salesforce is low user adoption.

Despite Salesforce being intuitive and user-friendly, fancy and automated systems can scare users away to their good old Excels, which seem predictable and thus safe.

There are more reasons why your users might resist using Salesforce, but today we would love to share how Maven Documents improves your Salesforce adoption by being 100% Salesforce native.

It brings the discussion back to Salesforce. Again. 

When you implement a Salesforce native tool like Maven Documents, you have to revise your existing Salesforce processes, whether it is a sales or an accounting one. This means you initiate the discussion with your users again, which is a perfect opportunity to hear the challenges they have, and the features they need or spot the overcomplicated setup that is difficult to follow.

This way you are not just polishing the process, but also building trust with your users by hearing what they have to say, and this is crucial for any internal implementation you might have.

Error-free = Stress-free

One thing that kills a pleasant user experience and decreases user adoption of the tool is constant errors and the confusion of “what am I doing wrong”. Maven Documents allows your users to generate error-free documents in just one click which reinforces that Salesforce is easy and powerful, helping them feel more comfortable about using it.

It is difficult to make your users advocates of features and tools, but everyone is willing to be an advocate of increased happiness and reduced stress.

Salesforce data becomes the center of everything

As we already mentioned, Maven Documents is a Salesforce native solution, which is built into your Salesforce org in the form of a few custom objects and fields. 

Maven Documents dynamically generates documents from the data which has to be in Salesforce first before it can be used by our tool. It means users are prompted to insert all the data in Salesforce and not just have it somewhere on sticky notes or in their heads.

Pro tip: if you have some data that lives in other databases and you want to keep it that way, Maven Documents can still fetch it into the templates.

We bring users to Salesforce rather than away from it

When implementing a Salesforce complementary tool, you might see that users have to switch to another interface to follow the process you intended for them. 

With Maven Documents though, users stay in Salesforce and can generate documents, send them via email, and communicate with customers, doing it all while staying inside Salesforce. If that does not scream “increased Salesforce adoption” then what does? ;) 

Personal Productivity equals Company Success

When users see the value for themselves they are more likely to use the system more and more. Salesforce adoption is only as high as the work productivity it brings to your team.

Maven Documents streamlines a document generation process, which reduces contact-to-quote time from hours to minutes. This, in turn, translates into more closed deals and higher satisfaction with the system in general. And yes, this is only one of the many ways Maven Documents can be used.

Salesforce expertise is hardwired into our tool

When implementing Maven Documents, you do not just receive a scalable and extendable document generation tool, you “hire” a team of Salesforce experts that help you make the most of the current Salesforce setup you have, improving it on the way if needed. 

We have done a lot of Salesforce implementations ourselves and we know what makes it a good one. Our tool honors Salesforce features and knows its limitations, thus maximizing the value it can bring with the best performance possible.

Given what we said, we encourage you to visit our AppExchange Listing, take the Maven approach - address the people side of change, and increase your Salesforce adoption.